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时间:2023-09-11 15:53:24人气:634作者:孤独剑我要评论(0)


Five dead, dozens missing after migrant boat capsizes in the Mediterranean移民船在地中海倾覆,5人死亡,数十人失踪At least five people, including children, died when a Europe-bound migrant boat carrying over 100 passengers capsized in the Mediterranean Sea off Libya on Tuesday.周二,一艘载有100多名乘客的欧洲籍移民船在利比亚的地中海海域倾覆,造成包括儿童在内的至少5人死亡。

Forty people are still missing after the vessel sank near the western town of Khoms, according to Ayoub Gassim, a spokesman for Libya’s coast guard.利比亚海岸警卫队发言人加西姆说,船只在西部城镇Khoms附近沉没后,仍有40人失踪。

“Terrible news coming in of potentially large loss of life in a shipwreck off the coast of Libya,” the UN refugee agency said.联合国难民署(UN refugee agency)表示:“利比亚海岸发生沉船事故,可能造成大量人员伤亡,这是一个可怕的消息。”

Sixty-five passengers — mainly from Sudan — have been rescued, said Gassim.加西姆说,65名乘客(主要来自苏丹)已经获救。

Alarm Phone, a support group for migrants crossing the Mediterranean, said passengers “were in severe distress, crying and shouting, telling us that people had died already,” according to a phone call they received from somebody aboard.为穿越地中海的移民提供支持的报警电话公司(Alarm Phone)接到机上某个人的电话,说乘客们“极度痛苦,哭喊着,告诉我们已经有人死亡”。

Many African migrants seeking refuge in Europe depart from Libya, especially since the 2011 uprising that killed Muammar Gaddafi.许多寻求在欧洲避难的非洲移民离开利比亚,特别是自从2011年穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲被杀后。

Just last month, another vessel carrying hundreds of migrants capsized off the country’s coast.就在上个月,另一艘载有数百名移民的船只在该国海岸附近倾覆。

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